Hey, everyone - there's a new game in town! iWriteNetwork is excited to announce their first Winter Workshop, being held on Saturday, January 21st, in Provo, Utah. The classes are:
Killer Hooks by Greg Park
Head Hunting for POV by Canda Mortensen
I Have a Feeling - Writing Emotion and Making It Stick by Tristi Pinkston
Taxes and You - Figuring it Out by Rebecca Shelley
Savvy about Story Structure by Cindy Hogan
The conference will begin at 9:00 and go until 2:00, with a break for lunch (provided). The cost for the day is $30. You can sign up by clicking here.
Now here's something fun ... if you are one of the first 25 to register, you will be entered in a drawing for a free manuscript evaluation* by Tristi Pinkston Author Services. 250 pages maximum. We only have a few slots left for this contest, so hurry on over and register - you'll have a great time, eat a good lunch, associate with awesome people ... does it get any better than that? I think not!
*Evaluation, not edit.
Awesome! Sounds like a great experience. I need to see what I can do for a babysitter and then I will get registered! What a great opportunity! :)
Wow. I'm tempted. Really tempted. Especially because I love Greg Park's books and I've never met him in person. Of course, it would be wonderful to see you too! I'll have to talk to the hubby about this...
Wow this sounds cool. Depends on if I am working or not.
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