I'm excited for Saturday's book launch for a number of reasons.
First, I'm so happy to be bringing out another novel. I love my characters, I love sharing their stories with others, and I love the feedback I'm getting. It's unbelievable to me that this is my eighth book, and I get to spend my time doing something I love so much ... writing.
Second, I'm really looking forward to hanging out with all my friends from Facebook, Twitter, my blog readers - anyone who is able to come. I love putting faces with names. I'm also eager to see neighbors, family, and everyone else who will be there.
Third, there will be balloons, face painting, games ... it's going to be an afternoon of fun, wholesome family fun out in the gorgeous Utah summer weather.
And fourth ... I get to share the event with some of my very best friends. I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to them, and then we'll get on with the prizes. (I promise.)
Keith Fisher. Now, I've mentioned that we're serving Dutch oven cobbler, but I want to make sure that you all "get" the magnitude of what I'm saying. I didn't just go buy a random Dutch oven and throw a bakery cake in there and decide to call it good. No, siree. Keith is literally a world-champion Dutch oven cook, having taken the title in 2005. His food is like songbirds descending from lofty climbs to sit on your shoulder while you eat. He also happens to be a very good friend of mine - I hang out with him every week for critique group and appreciate his giving soul and his ability to see the big picture. He's a talented author and writes thought-provoking women's fiction.
Nichole Giles. Nichole is a beautiful, spunky lady with color and pizazz. She has a fresh, unique writer's voice and every project she does shines with her personality. She's so supportive of her fellow writers and goes out of her way to cheer them on and offer words of encouragement. At the book launch, she will be featuring her two published novels, The Sharp Edge of a Knife and Mormon Mishaps and Mischief. As awesome as these two books are, I really can't wait for her to start publishing her young adult fantasy - we're talking, jaw-droppingly good. She's also a member of my critique group.
Heather Justesen. Heather is the kind of person who just draws you in with her genuineness. There's no pretense with her - she's open and down-to-earth, caring, and totally unselfish. She drives up to Utah Valley from Fillmore to present her author friends with cakes she has made and decorated to celebrate their new books. She also happens to write really awesome kissing scenes ... awesome, but clean. She will be bringing her three published novels - Blank Slate, The Ball's in Her Court, and Rebound. And ... yes, she's a member of my critique group. What can I say? I'm really, really blessed.
Cindy Hogan. I've known Cindy for years as we've bumped into each other at various writers conferences. The thing that struck me first, and continues to strike me, is her attitude. She just radiates positive vibes wherever she goes. She's fun to be around, she's always smiling and including people, and I really appreciate her outgoing, uplifting personality. She will bring her new young adult suspense novel, Watched.
J. Lloyd Morgan. I met Jason (that's his real name - that whole J. Lloyd thing is just to confuse people) when he hired me to do a virtual book tour for him. He lives clear across the country from me, so we've never met, but we just clicked as we e-mailed back and forth and we became instant friends. He then hired me to do an edit on his book, and he took everything I said with such a good attitude and really was excellent and professional to work with - he's just a heck of a nice guy. He's now releasing that novel with my same publisher, and he's launching it into the world on Saturday - and he and I will be meeting for the first time on that day as well. He's promised to squeal like a girl and jump up and down when he sees me, but I think we'll have to wait and see if he delivers. His book is a young adult medieval novel called The Hidden Sun.
So you see, I have so many reasons to be excited, to feel blessed, and to look forward to Saturday with all kinds of anticipation. I hope you can join us and increase my overall happiness.
When: Saturday, August 13th, 12 – 4 pm
Where: Pioneer Book, 858 S. State, Orem
All right then! Thanks for humoring me in my rhapsodizing. Your patience shall now be rewarded.
The winner of my novel Season of Sacrifice is ...
If you would like to enter to win Queen in Exile by Donna Hatch, you may do so until tomorrow night, Thursday, at midnight MST. Click here for details.
And now, let's talk about today's prizes. Two, two, two prizes in one!
First ...

How does an intelligent woman find herself mired in a web of deception, abuse, and danger? In Depth of Deceit, author Betty Briggs pulls her readers into the life of Stephanie Saunders, a lovely young attorney with a big heart, keen mind, and a trust in others that nearly proves disastrous. Her handsome and wealthy boyfriend strikes her as perfect, but is he too good to be true? Her boss hovers around her like a protector and friend, but is he? Stephanie’s work focuses on defending the indigent, and one client earns her trust and friendship, but why is he showing up at the oddest places? It seems that she can trust only the horses she trains and loves, magnificent beasts who remind her of life’s purposes and meaning. In a dramatic turn of events, Stephanie must make a decision that will affect her life forever.

On a trip to the Sun Tunnels in the Utah desert, Norma and her sisters find a body on the side of the road. But this awful discovery turns out to be the least of their problems. Norma's husband just passed on, and she learns he kept a secret from her for sixty years. LaRue is keeping a secret from Norma. The sisters' young friend Tony is keeping a secret about his famous father, and Tony's mother is keeping a secret of her own. Tony is secretly in love with his friend Kelli, who recently escaped from a polygamist cult. And who is the mysterious young car thief with whom Norma feels a special connection? Everything converges in Grouse Creek at the Fourth of July celebration. Will secrets prove everyone's undoing?
One lucky person will win both of these novels. Here's what you need to do:
1. Become a follower of this blog by clicking on the box on the left titled "People Who Think I'm Cool." If you are already a follower, you obviously can skip this step.
2. Visit Carole's blog and become a follower - halfway down her left sidebar.
3. Visit Betty's blog and leave a comment.
4. Come back here and leave me a comment - tell me you're following Carole, you left a note for Betty, and then tell me why you'd like to win these two books. In order to enter the contest, you need to do all three things.
5. Special opportunity - if you would like more than one entry, tell your Facebook friends about the Hang 'Em High Hoedown, and link to my blog. This will give you an additional entry. Be sure to tell me in your comments that you have done this.
6. If you would like another entry, grab the code for the Hang 'Em High button on my sidebar and put it on your blog. Send me the URL where it appears so I can come see it blinking pretty at me.
You can enter to win these two prizes until midnight Friday night, MST.
And, as a heads up ... Friday's prize drawing is for the grand prize - all three Secret Sisters books!! So be sure to stop by. The drawing for that prize will take place on Saturday before the launch, so act quickly so you can get in it on time.
*blushes* Aw. *sniffles* You're so sweet. And I can't wait for Saturday so I can hug you for saying such nice things about me. (Readers: I didn't pay her to say it, I swear! Wait. This is a family blog, I can't swear. But I promise. Yeah. That.)
Left my comments for Betty and a mention on my facebook.
And left comments for Carole.
By the way, reading about your author friends and all the fun you have, makes me so jealous.
No author friends where I live.
Folowing you both, left a comment for Betty, and of course all of these sound like good ones! :)
I've come to report that I just returned from my blog visits. The trip went well.
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