Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Soliloquy - Making the Decision

Welcome to Sunday Soliloquy, a new feature on this blog, a place for me to share whatever spiritual thoughts I've had throughout the day.

Today I've been thinking about choices. Some of our choices are small (what should I have for lunch?). Some of our choices are forever, eternal, soul-shaping (should I marry my honey-bunny?). Each choice takes us further down our path, and sometimes those paths wind and intersect, and sometimes they separate at crossroads and we know we must make a choice as to which way we will go. Thankfully, there's always repentance if we discover we've made the wrong choice, and we are able to veer back to the path we should have taken in the first place, sometimes a little road-weary but always wiser.

Each of us, at some point and time, will be called upon to make a choice about our religious beliefs. And once that choice is made, we will then be asked to decide how we want to demonstrate those beliefs. We must each determine for ourselves what we believe, what god we worship, and to what extent we want that worship to influence our lives. Once these decisions are made, they are often tested, and we are given the chance to reevaluate and decide if we're happy with our first choice, or if we'd like to try something else for a time. In each instance, the choice is left to us. There's no forcing or pushing - we choose for ourselves.

Today I'm thinking about my decision to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Am I happy with my choice? Absolutely. I can't imagine my life without this church, this gospel, knowledge of a modern prophet and all that brings to me. Am I happy with the level of involvement I have in the Church? No, I'm not. I want to serve more, be more in tune, learn more, study more. No one can make this determination for me - I make it for myself, and no one can do the studying or the serving for me - I must do that for myself. I'm making a decision to more fully commit. I'm making a decision to be what I know I can be and to live how I know I should live.


Teri said...

Thanks for the reminder! It is always good to have a little reminder to get back on track!

Cluttered Brain said...

Good point. Be careful though. when I made the choice to serve in one ward that i was in I got called to be in the primary presidency. HAHA! it was a great calling though. It really increased my testimony....So Heavenly Father does know what is best for us after all...

Tristi Pinkston said...

Oh, dear - thanks for the warning! :)

Anonymous said...

A noble pursuit, Tristi. I never think it's a mistake to rededicate oneself to more learning and growth. I have a lot of it ahead of me. I'm just trying to remember that it's part of my journey closer and not a failing. Sometimes, we just don't know what we don't know until we know it.

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