Here's my deep question for the day.
Why do they never hold the signs still so you can read what they say? How do I know if I want to stop if I can't read the sign? I'm certainly not going to pull over just so I can see what the sign says. Give me an incentive to pull over, people. Give me some information instead of giving me a headache trying to read the dancing words.
I frequently see a dude in a Statue of Liberty suit waving a sign. Over a period of about 6 months I've figured out that it has something to do with tax & accounting. I think.
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I love the picture of the library in Kansas! As for the people holding signs, most of the time I feel sorry for them having to dress as hot dogs or the statue of Liberty. It's a tough way to make a buck.
I feel sorry for them, too! But I think they might make more money if they brought in business, which they would do more easily if they'd hold the sign still so people could see what they were selling.
I think they're afraid if they hold the sign still they'll lose their job to a regular old sign! You don't have to pay a poster...
Or, maybe if they hold the sign still, they'll go to sleep?
Considering that I've seen many of them standing out in the cold weather, maybe some of them hop around to stay warm!
Or not. :)
One problem is that so many of the signs don't say where to go for the merchandise, either. So even if you could read it, you still don't know where the store is located that's being advertised.
I finally figured it out! The guy DOES work for an accounting/tax firm and guess what? Two days ago his sign said, "THE END IS NEAR!!!" And I laughed my head off. (April 15th and all...)
I agree. Dancing words are not fun, unless you're knee-deep in a great historical ficion romance (D. Gabaldon, in case you're curious) and happen to be on a very bumpy bus ride. Just some food for thought! ;)
Found you via Mormon Mommy blogs.
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