I got this from Kimberly at The Bennett Family, and it sounded fun so let's give it a whirl.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! I guess good or bad, but be nice!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
Isn't everyone's most vivid memory of you going to be when you dressed up like a fairy or an easter bunny at the Storymaker's conferences? :D That's mine, anyway. :D
Wow - I only get to pick one? It's so hard to choose . . .
I was going to go for sentimental, but let's go for funny instead. I remember sitting in my living room and you telling me how Karyn convinced you to buy my house. Then we walked through the house and planned where all your stuff was going to go. Oh, oh! Remember when you brought your extended family over to show them the house, measure the rooms and windows, etc.? That was fun too! (Man, I really miss my bath tub . . . )
How could any memories with Tristi be bad? All of my memories with you are absolutely fantabulous. My favorite: sitting on your writing chair and schmoozing with/learning from the totally talented Tristi. (Can you tell I write picture books?)
I remember standing in line with you for lunch at the storymakers conference and going up to your room to get the copy of your book.
I'm trying to remember how we first met and I can't...I remember doing UB together and how yummy your fragrances are.
I have limited personal experience with you (so far) but I have to say I really appreciated your taking time out of your schedule to come by and chat that night last Fall.
I remember the first time I met you, Karlene -- I was running the registration table at the Storymakers Conference and you came in and I registered you. :)
There are a ton of great memories from the Storymaker's Conference this year. Most have to do with you being there everytime I turned around with a question, concern or seeking insight, as if you had nothing more to do than to be available to help me all day. BUT the best was sitting out the last session in the lobby with Autumn and Karen and melting down. I was ready to burn my MS and go softly into the dark night of the unpublished writer but you let me talk about my story and remember how much I love it and I am soo grateful that you encouraged me to perservere because this new story is sooo fun and I am loving it as much as my first (still unpublished but much more faithful to my craft thanks to your encouragement. =)
Ahhh, I remember meeting you at a bloggy lunch! I was chasing my kids and you were so kind to me, helping me with them and helping me to carry our food and stuff. You were an instant friend!
How about the time we arranged a radio interview with my hubby's radio show - only to show up and have the entire station off the air! You and your husband were so patient and understanding with us while my guy tried to get things up and running enough to at least do a recorded show that he could air later. Turned out to be a great interview!
I remember when you left a post on my cabin dream blog. I was so thrilled that an honest to goodness published writer had left me a comment.
i remember when you commented that my comments on your blog were thought-provoking. Then (later) when i found out who you were, i about banged my head through a tree. :) I would have never (knowingly) been so informal on such a professional blog. But, i'm glad i did. You turned out to be a very wonderful and loving friend who didn't mind strangers just spouting out whatever they had to say. Not many professionals are like that any more. Loves
Where do I begin?! Singles ward...need I say more? :) I do remember going to the temple when you got married. I enjoy all the times I am with you!
Thanks Tristi for your post! I remember meeting you, too! I also remember all the crazy outfits you've donned at each conference :o) I always sit in anticipation wondering what it will be next!
Well, my memory was when I was dealing with a really hard personal situation. I needed to get an opinion I could trust on what I needed to do about it, and you were the person that popped into my head. I called you and you talked me through it for nearly an hour, letting me cry and blubber through the whole thing. You also gave me very sound advice--not defaming any of the people involved, including myself, but giving me an unbiased perspective that allowed me to make the right choices. I don't know that you will ever fully understand what that phone call meant to me and how deep the ramifications of the choices I made per your advice ran. I'm a better person because of that phone call and the situation was resolved very well. I hope that I can be that kind of friend someday.
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