Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Story Problem (for all you math experts out there)

Problem: A two-liter bottle of Shasta Creme Soda is purchased in Nephi, Utah, and is placed on the floor of a pick-up truck. It rolls around on the floor of the truck during the drive to Orem, Utah. Upon arrival in Orem, the bottle is placed on a picnic table where it sits for ten minutes. Measuring from the top of the bottle to the top of the liquid, how many inches will spray out when it's opened?

I never was very good at story problems, but I do know the answer to this one.

Answer: Six inches.

Last week, my critique group met at Keith Fisher's house where he had prepared a fabulous Dutch oven meal for us. I'm particularly fond of Dutch oven potatoes, so he humored me and made them (to die for). He also did chicken, pork roast, vegetables, and a cobbler. It was so delicious, I badly wanted to go back for seconds, but I had no more room at all. Thanks again, Keith!! It was awesome.

This picture isn't of the meal Keith made for us (I forgot my camera) but I stole it from his blog about another group he fed. They're still Keith's ovens, so it counts, right?

I really enjoy getting together with my critique group. They give me a boost every week, keep me pumped up to keep going, and point out things I didn't see. I highly recommend getting with a critique group if you're a writer. If nothing else, you'll be associating with people who understand you when you say you have voices in your head.

And as for the creme soda, yes, that really did happen. All over me. Up in the air, down my arm, all over the table . . . it was thrilling. I must have looked pretty darned silly, standing there screaming.

However, despite the fact that my plate was sitting right next to the drinks, my potatoes did not get wet. I was truly blessed.

Picture of critique group, compliments of Keith. Kim, me, Heather, and Nichole. We're missing Keith (who was taking the picture) and Candace.


Unknown said...

Man, wish I hadn't missed that. Let me know the details for this week's met. I'll make it.

Annette Lyon said...

That's just a beautiful image there . . . wish I could have seen it.

But AMEN on the critique group thing. I wouldn't survive with out mine. Best thing I ever did for my writing. Glad you have a good one too!

Don said...

My first meeting with the local writer's group is Thursday. We've rearranged the calendar, and I am way excited.

I'll make sure the soda is secured before the trip...

Keith N Fisher said...

It's always a pleasure to cook for nice people and our critique group is the best. here is a picture of us minus Candace of course.

Danyelle Ferguson said...

Hmm . . . since I know the members of your group - I'm betting that soda was brought by Heather. I can just imagine how mortified she was! And the image of you opening the bottle and screaming is just precious.

Keith N Fisher said...

PS Tristi is the one with the sticky arms.

Kimberly Job said...

You handled the explosion with such poise. It was kind of funny, though.

I agree Keith's cooking was to die for and our critique group is absolutely awesome!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I knew when I started to read the "story problem" that it HAD to have happened! I bet it was pretty funny for those around you! :) I have friends who live in Nephi, they run the church ranch there.

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