I've been working on the computer for about an hour now, and the little number up at the top of my screen, you know, the one that's supposed to tell me how many e-mails I have, is stuck on the number 7. I keep checking, only to be told that I have no mail. How can this be?
Doth not Internet Explorer realize that it can't dangle the idea of seven whole e-mails in front of me and expect me not to bite? Doesn't it understand that you can't promise me seven e-mails, and then not deliver? What kind of cruel, sadistic mind game is this, anyway? There should be laws against this kind of taunting!
Firefox, Tristi, use Firefox. All the cool kids do it!
I'm tempted to send you seven emails as an answer to this cruel joke!
Ha ha. I hate that! You need to leave the dark side and come over to Mozilla. :D
Yep, I use Firefox too. Works great--even on my Mac.
And it never mocks me.
tehehhee... my browser has a habbit of telling me that i have a new email, let me get all the way to the page to open it up, then freeze and tell me that explorer is having issues and has to shut down. "BUT BUT BUT, it's on it's way!" sometimes, i can even see the first little words "hey pauli..." so cruel
I'm with chillygator, get firefox. It's much smoother.
Okay, so I just mentioned this to my hubby, and he says, "We already have Firefox."
Sheepish Tristi -- I just need to click a different icon.
I also us firefox. I can't stand IE anymore. Mostly just because I'm so used to Firefox. I had to download Firefox on my husbands computer because when I used his, I couldn't figure out how to get around the internet.
My new favorite thing is the sync settings you can use so all my bookmarks are the same on all my computers (I use three). Hooray for bookmark consistency!
And, though you didn't ask but I know you were thinking it and I love you and want to go the extra mile for you:
Reasons we love Firefox more than Internet Explorer:
- They came up with tabbed browsing first. IE only just came out with it
- Firefox renders pages faster
- It's more standards compliant
- Has an incremental search feature ("it appears that incremental search means as the user types, the matched text is found (and usually highlighted). It can also find the next/previous matched text. This is more robust than traditional find as finding is done immediately when typing starts. Also, it is better in terms of usability as no modal window is used. In the case of modal find, the user may need to move the modal window around, as it can block the part of the screen which contains the matched text.")
This is all your Firefox love of the day, but it really does rock. Much more than IE. Try it, love it, convert (o:
As always -- you make me laugh!
Don't forget to R.S.V.P. about our Blogger Babe luncheon on the tenth of January. Details on my blog, right-hand column! We really want to see you there. Hope you can make it.
Yes, you crack me up too! :D
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