I do not know where I got my children. And now that I have them, I don't know what to do with them. They just . . . amaze me.
My daughter has a bowl full of guppies that reproduce like . . . well, like guppies. We give a bunch away from time to time, never as many as I'd like to. In an effort to raise money to buy a hairless cat, which is a blog all by itself, my daughter decided to sell some of her guppies. She spent about half an hour this morning on a price chart. You can buy a regular guppy for twenty-five cents, but you can get a trained guppy for just a little bit more. If you want a highly-trained guppy, however, that will cost you $21.00.
Now, let me just say, I'm not sure what a highly-trained guppy does, or how one would even go about training one. When I saw my daughter standing by the bowl, holding a sock in one hand and telling me that she would now proceed to train the guppies, I had to flee the room lest my maniacal laughter injure her self-esteem.
Oh my gosh, Tristi. Where does she come up with these things? Is she a clone of you when you were little? Because that's really what I'm beginning to think.
No thanks, our goldfish finally died. That was such an ordeal. Maybe you could feed them to the hairless cat?
Sounds like you have a budding entrepreneur on your hands.
Oh, I want to hear how the guppy training goes. That is so funny.
I'm desperately trying to stifle my giggles as the two oldest men of the house are asleep on the couch...maybe I could borrow your daughter's sock to stuff in my mouth?
Oh gosh, the strain of not laughing is bringing tears to my eyes. What on earth was she going to do with the sock?
Oh gosh, it's hard to breathe.
Man, kids are fantastic. I just want to egg them on in their genius. Keep on doing what you're doing, Tristi's daughter. =)
I'm not sure which is weirder. Wanting a hairless cat or training a guppy.
I don't know about guppies, but our beta fish will swim backwards, and respond yes and no to my questions by shaking his head. I kid you not. I never thought of selling him, but $21 sounds fair.
Wow - I never thought of guppies! I once worked as a dolphin trainer when I was fresh out of high school, and it was so fun training big fish(okay, so they're not really fish, but just go with the analogy) that when the job was ended, I was still on a training high and actually trained my cat to roll over and jump through a hoop. But I never would have thought of guppies...
Oh, and she's not a hairless cat, so you probably wouldn't want her, even if she does do tricks!! :0)
I have ancestors with the last name Guppy. Wonder if it was because they were Guppy trainers, too?
What a bright young lady, to think of such a thing as fish training for extra profit.
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