Today's my twelfth wedding anniversary. Here's a picture of me with my sweetie, standing outside the Salt Lake temple. My son took a look at this picture a minute ago and said, "Wow! You were so skinny!" Out of the mouths of babes . . .

This was taken at our reception, the following day. I really think we did it smart -- I got my endowments on Tuesday, got married on Thursday, and then had the reception on Friday. That way we were able to focus on each individual thing and not get blown away by trying to do it all at once.
These twelve years have had their share of good times and bad, but I can say without doubt that we're more in love now than we were then. We've sure learned a lot together, and look forward to a whole lotta years ahead. Happy anniversary, Snugglebunny -- and I promise, as soon as I can stop sniffling and sneezing, we're going to go out to celebrate.
Congratulations! Hope you get to celebrate when you're feeling better. Great idea about spreading the festivities out over a few days. Most wedding days are such a blur -- on the other hand, I don't know if my nerves could have handles more than one day!
Great pictures!
Congratulations on all those years. You guys are one great couple
Happy Anniversary! I loved reading about your own choices during your wedding week and it made me reflect on the same special choices we made. We chose to get married in the Oakland Temple, leave on our honeymoon in Victoria B.C., and then come back for the reception. Had I to do it again, I probably would have done it as you did. Again, congratuations on your anniversary! Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Tristi, wonderful pictures! Beautiful dress, too. We just passed the 35 year mark! So our wedding pictures are antiques. Feel better soon and have a lovely celebration.
I love your pictures -- and am overcome with envy that you can post them in public!
My wedding pictures are from 1979. (Gasp.) It was an era of big hair and pastel tuxedos. I can't even look at the pictures anymore, let alone share them with the world!
What a beautiful bride you are, Tristi!
Happy Anniversary! My daughter was on my lap when I was browsing this page, and she said, "oh mommy! Look, a beautiful dress!"
Happy Anniversary! Those are beautiful pictures. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for your kind words, everyone.
Jen, I loved my dress -- I'm glad your daughter did, too! My best friend's mom sewed it for me. I don't even know how many hours she put into it -- but it's one of my most prized possessions.
I hope you had a marvelous anniversary. You look gorgeous in those pictures. Isn't amazing to look back 12 years (yeah, it's been that for me too) and see how good we looked. Man, I gotta get more serious about working out. I just looked at my wedding pictures, that was many pounds ago.
Awwwwww--You were, and are still darling.
Beautiful, Tristi! I love the photos. And you are still JUST as beautiful today. :) Absolutely!
We hit 19 in December. Sweet!
Tristi - congratulations! I'm sorry I missed the day - but hope you have had a chance to celebrate. Loved seeing the photos - thanks for sharing your story!
I love your wedding pictures! You guys look so cute together. Congrats on twelve years together!
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