Update #1: The first bedroom is done. I started it yesterday, so no need to think I'm remarkably speedy or anything. My 11-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son share that room -- I used to have my daughter sharing with the baby, and my 8-and-6-year-old sons sharing, but the two boys kept trying to kill each other. There's less bloodshed this way. At any rate, after cleaning up about six million beads (and purposely vacuuming up most of them) off my daughter's side, and a whole bunch of orange peels (whatever) and paper scraps from my son's side, I can now breathe a sigh of relief in that newly vacuumed, toys put away, potential-mold-making-disaster-averted room.
Now, for the other room -- the baby's crib broke this morning and DH is fixing it. As soon as he's done, I'll go in there and clean. I hope it takes him a long, long time . . .
Update #2: Done! (Insert fiendish laugh) I wrangled my husband into helping me. The crib is sort of beyond help, so for our romantic anniversary date tonight (which we're finally getting, a full week late) we're going to go look at bunk beds. Let me just say, nothing says "twelve years of marriage" like thinking shopping for bunk beds is romantic.
I believe I've now handled roughly 47,000 Bionicle pieces and 30,000 pieces of paper, not to mention the aforementioned orange peels and beads. But -- those two rooms are clean!! Tomorrow I'll hit my room and the kitchen, and then on Monday I can attack the BIAM with less guilt.
Tetanus? I need yellow fever, malaria, small pox, before I can enter my son's room. And a snorkel.
And, yes, I've been at my desk, chin on my hand, drumming my fingers, wondering when oh WHEN is Tristi going to put me on her links list?? Just kiddin'. I forgive you.{{hug}}
Oh dear. Be careful!
I can usually get my nine year old to clean her room. I have to use this incentive: "You clean the room until I am happy with it, or I'll clean it for you. Only thing is, if I clean it for you, you have to leave and I can get rid of whatever I want." She knows lots of her treasures are just junk to me, so she usually does a pretty good job.
I'm sorry for putting you through the trauma, Karen -- I swear it will never happen again! I may just go add you to my links list twice, just to make sure!
Stephanie, I can usually get my kids to do a somewhat reasonable job on their rooms, but the little tiny pieces of things escape them. I have to go in there about once a month and totally gut it out, in between times. I can't wait until they're just a little bit older a) so they can understand how not to make the mess to begin with and b) so when they do make the mess, they can clean it up for themselves!
And then on Tuesday, you can start all over again with the kids rooms! :D
Take a picture, it lasts much longer than a clean kids room!
I figure the older that will really work is when they leave home and have to worry about their own kid's rooms. I am hoping the light bulb will turn on by then if it doesn't any sooner :)
I'm with karen, I need all her shots and a rabies vaccine as well!
"I can't wait until they're just a little bit older a) so they can understand how not to make the mess to begin with and b) so when they do make the mess, they can clean it up for themselves!"
You're kidding me, right?
I'm laughing too hard to post.
Yeah, Anna, I know I sound very optimistic. But I've got to cling onto something at this point, even if it's a ridiculously false hope. :)
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