Friday, August 10, 2007

My Baby's Getting Glasses

Well, okay -- he's not technically my baby. He's my second-to-youngest, but that counts, right? We've noticed that he's been squinting, and I made a mental note to get him in to the eye doctor. There was once a time when I could depend on my mental notes, but not anymore -- I spaced it until this week when my husband told me he'd noticed our son bumping into things. I made the call right away.

The poor thing sees 20/200, which is all in the last two years, when I last had him checked. We picked him out some darling glasses and now he's going to look like Jonathan Lipnicki (see picture). My son's also blond with blue eyes, and the similarity is pretty good.

Right now he doesn't know he can't see. It's been coming on so gradually that being blind is normal for him. I can't wait until the glasses come and he puts them on, and realizes that there's a whole big world out there for him to discover.


Unknown said...

I remember the day I got my glasses. I had no idea one was supposed to see the world with such crispness. Joseph is going to be so excited.

Stephanie Humphreys said...

I remember when we found out my son needed strong glasses. He was four and I always wondered how he identified everything so well, when his vision was so poor. Now you get the joy of a boy in glasses. I got really good at bending them back into shape and putting them back together.

Shanna Blythe said...

I once tried on my big brother's glasses and all of the sudden I could see what the mountains looked like and everything looked well . . . clear. However, I was too young to go to my parents and tell them I needed glasses, I was just like, "Wow" and then went about my daily business.

It took a few more months before my parents realized I wasn't seeing right!

Chillygator said...

Wow, I TOTALLY remember that day! I went with my sister that night to see a musical (I'm singing the songs, but can't remember the name...Ah! Fiddler on the Roof!!) and we sad in the middle and the people were no longer just blobs of color but actual people. That was happy.

That night when I slept there were rims around all my dreams. Sometimes the rims come back in my dreams if I've worn my glasses too much lately (o:

ali cross said...

Aww, he's going to be handsome in his new specs!

Danyelle Ferguson said...


We just had a very similar experience with Isaac. We found out he couldn't see much past the hand in front of his face. So we ordered glasses (super duper flexible frames & the sturdiest lenses I could find - I sure hope they last longer than a week!)

Anyway, the day they came in, Isaac was so excited to go pick them up. Then when we got home, he put on his glasses & walked around the house telling us what all the signs hanging on our walls said. He even went outside to check out the neighbors yard. It was awesome!

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