I spend so much time talking about myself that sometimes I think I've told you something, only to discover I haven't. One such oversight would be in telling you about my home business, which is called "Scentiments." I have my own line of hand lotion, facial moisturizers, liquid face wash, facial scrub, bath salts, body spritz, and lip balm. I make them myself, using high quality natural ingredients, and they are quite fabulous, if I do say so myself. You can check out the entire product line here.
I first became interested in doing this when some ladies came to our church building to teach us how to make similar products. I gave it a try, and I was intrigued. I hit the Internet and hunted up some recipes, and got the stuff to try it out. After working with the recipes for a little while to get them just the way I wanted them, I realized I was addicted. The most fun part for me is making the products, and I soon had more lip balm than I could ever use in a lifetime, and wanted to make more. So it was then I decided I'd better start my own business to sell my wares or we'd have to get a shed just to hold all my creations in.
I've been in business for just under a year and a half, and I'm having a ton of fun. I do take some orders through my website, but I find that most of my business comes through boutiques I do several times a year. I also move a respectable amount of product through friends and family placing phone orders.
My two best-selling items are my Mango Mango hand lotion and my Buttercream lip balm. They're both quite fabulous, if I do say so myself!
So now you've been told a bit about my business. Now I'm thinking . . . is there anything else you don't know about me?
Hey, I'm wearing the cherry flavor lip balm right now! I keep one in my car, one in my office, and one in my purse. And you thought I was buying them for gifts. Nope, they were all for myself. LOL.
I just placed an order. They all sound great!
These products look great. I'm thinking they would be great fro my daughter's birthday next month after we do a spa day together. So I will be back.
I absolutely LOVE the Brown Sugar Facial Scrub and the Lavendar Lilac (anything from the salts to the body spritz - I just LOVE the scent!).
Last year I bought Scentiments for all my teacher appreciation gifts, gave them away at Christmas, sent them as gifts after my friends have had babies - and now have them shipped all the way to Kansas so that I can keep enjoying them.
Yep - I'm a Scentiments addict. Is there a support group I should join?
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