This is my new friend Jo Ramsey. She's a really fun, talented lady, and I had the chance to interview her this last week.
Me: Jo, we just met, and I'm excited to learn more about you. Tell me about yourself, your career, and all that good stuff.
Me: I wrote one book longhand in a spiral notebook, and that was enough to cure me of it. You must have fingers of steel. But sorry - I'm interrupting. You were saying?
Jo: My first publication wasn't until 2002, when a phonics-based reading program I'd written was published by Oxton House, an educational publisher based in Maine. The program, which was published under the name Kimberly Ramsey, is calledStories from Somerville, and is used in districts in at least a dozen states. Other than creating that program, I had stopped writing for several years, but in 2004 I started again. My first young adult novel, Connection, which is book 1 in my urban fantasy series Reality Shift, was published in January 2010. Since then, books two through four in that series have also been published, along with books one and two in my other urban fantasy series The Dark Lines. Those are all published by Jupiter Gardens Press, and book five in Reality Shift and book three in The Dark Lines are under contract. I also have two books currently under contract with Featherweight Press.
I live in Massachusetts with my two daughters from my first marriage, my husband, and two cats.
Me: I'm a homeschooler and a huge, huge supporter of phonics. Can you tell me a little about your method?
I'd say the program worked pretty well. During the first six months I used it, one child, who was so delayed that no one believed she could make real-time gains in any area, gained six months reading skills. One of the boys gained eighteen months of skills during that time. (All based on testing that their classroom teacher did.) And one girl, who came into my program right when I started using it, was unable to even spell her own name correctly when she started with me, in the fall of her second grade year, because her phonics skills were so poor. A year and a half later, at the end of her third grade year, she was reading and writing at grade level.
Me: What are you working on right now?
Me: Have you yourself ever been turned into a werewolf?
Me: What would you say is your favorite part of being an author?
Jo: I guess they'd have to be on my smartphone's Kindle app, since that would be small enough to have with me.
Jo: I don't really have much of a ritual. I like to have something to drink--a cup of herbal tea or hot chocolate, a diet cola, or a bottle of water. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be anything that makes me more productive; some days the writing happens and some days it doesn't.
Me: I've discovered that many authors have their own little ritual or set of habits they go through in order to really write. I am most productive when I have a tube of ChapStick close at hand - can't write with dry lips - and usually a glass of ice water and some sunflower seeds. What do you need to really get in the groove?
Thanks for being my guest today, Jo!
If you would like to know more about Jo Ramsey that I didn't ask her here, you can go check out her website. You can read her bio, learn about her books, and all kinds of fun stuff.
Thanks for the interview, Tristi! I hope readers will stop by to see your answers to my interview questions over on my blog: http://www.joramsey.com/?p=885
It's fun to learn more about you, Jo! Thanks for posting the interview, Tristi.
Great interview, Tristi. It is fun, as Stephanie says, to get to know more about fun people.
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