Earlier this year, I was sent one of these nifty gizmos ...

Except mine is country blue, which, I have to say, is perfect for me. I'm a blue girl.
This planner is specifically designed to help writers stay on track with their writing goals and their daily schedules. It is peppered with quotes from famous authors to inspire and motivate. The spiral binding allows you to flip it open to whatever spot you like, and it has a ribbon bookmark so you can hold your place even when the book is closed. It's just the right size - 5 X 7 - so it can fit in your purse, computer bag, or just sit on your desk without taking up too much room.
I know that some people keep track of their goals and schedules on computer programs, and that's awesome, if that's what works for them. I'm a pen and paper girl. (In addition to being a blue girl.) I like writing things down and seeing them in front of me on paper, so a planner is how I prefer to operate.
Right now, the planners are on clearance to make room for next year's printing. You can get one for $5.99, regularly $12.99. Click here for all the details.
FTC: Sure enough, I got this planner for free.
Love this idea. I think I need writing goals, I finally got around to joining ANWA and I thought I was doing good!!
Thanks for posting this Tristi!
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