I am a very lucky duck. I've been blessed with great friends, amazing experiences, and have had the chance to be involved in some projects I truly believe in. (dis)Abilities and the Gospel is one of those projects.
I was first contacted by Danyelle Ferguson several years ago when she was putting this book together. I've known her for years - in fact, I'm currently living in the house she sold me - and when she came to me and asked me for advice, I was immediately struck by just how very needed this book is. I've had the opportunity to cheer Danyelle on through various stages of the book's production and have gotten to know Lynn, Danyelle's amazing coauthor, and at long last, it is my pleasure to participate in the virtual book tour for this book, share my thoughts about it, and offer you some fun prizes.
The book: (dis)Abilities and the Gospel was specifically written to help parents and teachers know how to help those with various mental disabilities as they attend church. Danyelle and Lynn both have children on the autism spectrum, and they had to come up with ways to help their children move through the church experience and get the most out of it. As they searched for resource material, they realized that there really wasn't a book out there to help them, and they decided to write it.
Each chapter covers a different step in your child's journey, from a very young child, moving up into their teenage years, and into adulthood. The book discusses how to help your child with autism, Down syndrome, or other types of cognitive issues. Each topic is presented with the goal of helping your child truly participate in church and feel our Savior's love for them. There are even chapters on how the parents of the child can keep their relationship strong and find ways to spend time together when their schedules are hectic from caring for their child.
The book is positive, uplifting, supports families, and is a must-have for every Primary president, Primary teacher, Young Men's leader, Young Women's leader, bishop, bishopric member - any person in a position of stewardship should have this book, and so should every parent.
This book is specifically targeted to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but please let me make it very clear that it is completely adaptable for any church congregation. Reverends and pastors from all over the nation have read this book and tried out the suggested methods in their own churches with great success.
With autism rates skyrocketing and other forms of cognitive disorders also increasing, this book is needed like never before. I applaud Lynn and Danyelle for their excellent work in this field and cannot tell you enough what a valuable resource you will find in this book.
Blog Tour Giveaways:
Enter to win one of two $25 Amazon gift cards and a free 20 minute consultation with Danyelle! You can ask her about parenting, church surivival, adapting lessons - or even about writing and publishing. Two names will be drawn on June 30th & July 22nd. Each drawing will include 1 winner of a $25 Amazon gift card and free consultation; and a second winner of a free consultation.Winners will be announced on www.QueenOfTheClan.com There are many ways to enter. You must leave a comment on the reviewer’s blog letting us know what you’ve done. Please include your email address.
1 Point Each:
- Leave a thoughtful comment about the blogger’s review
- Add the book to your “to-read” list on GoodReads
- Follow the reviewer’s blog
- Follow Danyelle’s blog
- Follow Lynn’s blog
- Follow Danyelle on FB
- Follow Lynn on FB
- Follow Danyelle on Twitter @DanyelleTweets
- Follow Lynn on Twitter @ParsonsLynn
2 Points Each:
- Tell your friends about (dis)Abilities and the Gospel on Facebook with a person links to Danyelle Ferguson & Lynn Parsons
- Tell your friends about (dis)Abilities and the Gospel on Twitter with links to @DanyelleTweets
5 Points:
- Interview Danyelle or Lynn for your blog or write a blog post about why you’re excited about (dis)Abilities and the Gospel. Be sure to leave a direct link to your post in your comment so we can visit and say hello!
Blog Tour Schedule
June 2nd - Christine Bryant @ Day Dreamer
June 7th - Tristi Pinkston
June 9th - Tamera @ 3 Boys & a Dog
June 14th - Ashlee @ Topsy Turvy Cakes
June 17th - Heather Justesen
June 23rd - Rebecca Talley
June 27th - Don Carey
July 6th - Danette @ Everyday Adventures
July 8th - Sheila Staley @ LDS Women's Book Review
July 11th - Kathy @ I Am a Reader, Not a Writer
July 13th - Jessica @ Fringies
July 15th - Heather @ Fire and Ice by Little Red Reads
July 18th - Nichole Giles @ Star Crossed Book Reviews
Purchase & Review Links:
Book Blurb & Endorsements:
Each day, parents and church leaders struggle to teach individuals with special needs. Using helpful information, real-life stories, and a touch of humor, (dis)Abilities and the Gospel provides ways for you to effectively teach people of all ages with autism, Down syndrome, bipolar disorder, memory loss, and other disabilities.
Inside this useful guide, you’ll find
• Guidance for building strong family relationships
• Steps to teaching prayer and scripture study
• Practical and creative teaching tips
• Programs to help with transitions, communication barriers, and behaviors
• Techniques to help others feel welcome and valued
Find the answers you need and overcome the challenges of teaching the gospel.(dis)Abilities and the Gospel will help you develop each person’s ability to learn and grow as you build peace in your home or classroom.
(dis)Abilities and the Gospel is a resource that may be read, reread, and used many times. . . . The authors have beautifully woven the frustrations that so many people have experienced into an action-living plan to help children with special needs.
—Lloyd Kinnison, PhD. Texas Woman’s University, Special Education Department
This book is an unexpected and very welcome gift to the community of churches and their leaders. It addresses so many of the problems that children, young adults, and adults with disabilities face in church activities.
—Brenda Winegar, Early Interventionist/Cofounder, Kids on the Move
Danyelle’s Info:
Website: http://www.DanyelleFerguson.
Blog: http://www.QueenOfTheClan.com
Lynn’s Info:
Website: http://www.lynndparsons.com/
Blog: http://lynndeniseparsons.
Great review Tristi. It has been a long road to see this book in print. Danyelle and I have appreciated your support through it all. I'm happy that all our hard work is finally turning into blessings for many people. Thanks.
Nice review. I referred this book to a coworker who has an autistic son. She's excited to get her copy.
Tristi - I have fond memories of those phone conversations, asking you questions and you encouraging me. It's been a good five years of those conversations. =) Thank you for your support. You're an incredible woman and friend.
Great review. I have friends to refer this book to. Great job :)
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