Monday, November 02, 2009

Twilight Inspired Scents ... To Die For!

I'm trying to remember if I've ever mentioned Urban Botanic on this blog. Hmmm ... let me think ... oh, yeah. Here, and here, and here. I sort of like the stuff. Okay, I really, really like the stuff. I have had the most fun creating my own scents, and sniffing others' creations, and I could go on and on about it, but I digress. Ahem.

Because I love the stuff so much, I am a natural choice to help spread the word. Custom Scents Online has taken the Twilight phenomenon and (brilliantly, might I add) created scents using the Urban Botanic products that are based on the characters from the Twilight series. That's right - you can order a scent that was designed for your favorite Twilight character, or the town, or ... well, you'll just have to see for yourself. Now, to celebrate the release of the New Moon movie, you can get Vampire Venom, the newest creation. I sniffed a sampler this afternoon (wait, I'll do it again. Hold on) and loved it.

What does all this have to do with you, I can hear you asking. Well, I'll tell you! Right now!

1. Go to Custom Scents Online. Scroll down through all the descriptions of the fragrances, and choose the one that sounds the most enticing to you. Keep in mind, these fragrances are high-quality, and they can be worn by persons who can't ordinarily wear perfume. I fit into that category, and I've never had a problem with these scents - they are amazing.

2. Come back here and leave a comment in the trail for this blog. In your comment, tell me which fragrance sounded the best to you.

3. In one week, I will randomly draw a name from all the commenters, and then ... and then ... (are you ready?) you will receive a one dram sampler bottle of the scent you chose ... and ... and ... be entered in a grand prize drawing for a bath and body set in that same fragrance. Can you believe such riches, just for visiting a blog? Nay, I believe this is true generosity!

So, get busy! Hop on over to Custom Scents Online. Pick your scent. Come tell me all about it. Allow me to help you become a winner. Allow me that moment of greatness, and you shall not regret it. Contest ends at noon on Monday, November 9th - check back for the name of the winner!

And the winner is ... Cheri!! Thanks for playing, everyone!


Anonymous said...

My two favs are "Bella" (Jasmine and white tea. Lovely) and "Leah", which also has a simple array of scents. I like a good, clean smell. =]

Melanie Goldmund said...

Oooh, I love contests! I choose the scent "Emmett" even though I'm a girl. If it doesn't smell good on me, I can always share it with my 16-year-old son.

Taffy said...

I liked all the boy scents! And Alice's. But I am Team Carlisle so I choose his. Or Emmett. Or Jacob. Or Edward. Ok. I'll stop now.

Taffy said...

Oh yeah! I posted your contest on my blog!

Stephanie Humphreys said...

I think the Angela one sounds great. I wish I could try them all.

Cheri Chesley said...

"Esme." I love, love, love lavender, and the hubby likes coconut, so it's a win-win. Although I must say "Vampire Venom" sounds spicy! :) mmm

Krista said...

I choose "Alice"!!!! I think. They all sounded pretty enticing. Yup, Alice.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I like "Bella's New Moon".

* said...

"Bitten" sounds like the best to me. In life, we can be "bitten" to suddenly taken by so many surprising things sucking us (pun intended) into their worlds...vampires, blogging, chocolate chip bundt cakes, etc. etc. And I love them all. Also, that "bitten" rhymes with "smitten."

There you go.

Tristi Pinkston said...

I'm having fun watching you all choose your favorites - I've smelled many of them in samples and I think they're all wonderful. You really can't go wrong, no matter what you pick!

I like my husband in "Jacob."

LaRae said...

I would like to say "Edward" is the one I would choose. My husband works night and I have called him "My Little Vampire" for years and now he can smell like one too.

Danyelle Ferguson said...

I would love to try the Esme scent!!!

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