Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Annette Lyon is My Hero ...

Annette Lyon is my hero for many, many reasons. First of all, there was that time when she leaped in front of a train and pushed me to safety. Then there was the time when she knocked a glass of poisoned Kool-Aid from my hand just as I got ready to sip. I shall never forget the day she took a bullet for me as we stood in front of McDonald's, our Happy Meals clutched tightly in our hands (they were for us, not our kids). But most of all, I shall remember the countless grammar questions she has answered for me over the years.

I actually think I'm the inspiration behind her new book, "There, Their, They're: A No-Tears Guide to Grammar from the Word Nerd." She didn't say as much in the introduction - in fact, I think she said she wrote the book in response to popular demand on her blog - but I'm sure that was just her polite way of saying, "Tristi, stop e-mailing me already."

I got my copy in the mail late this afternoon, and I've pulled it out three times just since then to double-check various and sundry points. It's not quite as good as having Annette herself at my beck and call - I mean, I can come up with a thousand questions a minute, and keeping up with me, not so easy. But I must say, this book is an awesome reference and I'm making a spot for it on the shelf right here by my computer. And you should buy one too. In fact, here's where.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for my copy!
That Annette is pretty awesome. I can't believe she took a bullet for you. Well, I can believe it but...WOW! ;)

Tristi Pinkston said...

And she never once complained.

Heather Moore said...

Yes, yes. Agreed to all. I'm surprised Annette will even answer all of the pesky emails I send to her. She is probably rolling her eyes, thinking, "I already told Heather the difference between lay/lie back in '03, why can't she get it?"

Karlene said...

I'm excited to get my copy. It should be here any day now.

Nichole Giles said...

It's a good thing she wrote a book about grammar. Otherwise, she'd probably spend all her writing time answering crazy grammar questions for the rest of us and never be able to produce her fabulous romance books.

Now, the whole bullet-poison-train thing...well, that is a special friend indeed.

Perhaps she has super powers she hasn't mentioned to the rest of us?

Just a thought...


Melanie said...

Looking forward to receiving my copy. As far as that lay, lie thing, Annette's got that down. It should be her middle name...wait a minute!

Shellie said...

Sounds like a book I could use.

Cheri Chesley said...

Thank you so much Tristi for posting WHERE to buy this book. I prob'ly missed it on Annette's facebook, but I want one and DEFINITELY need one. I still haven't got the whole lay/lie thing down--I usually avoid it completely :)

ali cross said...

Funny! I'm going to go order my copy now :)

Heather Justesen said...

Wow, she risked missing the chance to eat her Happy Meal to protect you? that is what I call a good friend. =)

I'm actually surprised you have to contact her three times a day--you ALWAYS have the right answer when we're at critique and one of us screws up!

Haley Hatch Freeman said...

I was thrilled to hear about her book. She mentioned it during her presentation at LDStorymakers conference and I can't wait to buy it!!

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