My whole critique group turned out en force to support me. Here we all are - Kim, me, Heather, Nichole, and Keith.

My sister and her daughters popped in to see me as well.

Here's me with Candace.

And me with Connie.

And me with Karen.

And me with Karlene, Jordan, and Karen.

And me with Kathleen. Sorry the picture is blurry - but it's the least blurry one I had of this pose! My camera was giving me fits all day.

And me with Daron.

And me with Daron's fammy. This is his wife, Jen, and daughter Ashley.

This is me with Daron's daughter Audrey. (We missed you, Abigail!)

And this is me being hammy because that's what I do.

I'm sorry to say, I wasn't able to get pictures with everyone who came, and I'm feeling a little sad about that. It really was a fun afternoon and I appreciated all the support I got. "Agent in Old Lace" is now officially released and is available on the websites listed on the sidebar and will soon be in stores near you!
This looks like a lot of fun. One of these days, the timing will be right and I'll get to attend a book launch.
Congratulations! Can't wait to read it.
That cake is awesome. She made that? Incredible. What great friends. It looks like it went so well. I'm glad. You deserve it. I just ordered my copy last Thursday, so hopefully I get it this week.
Yay! Looks like boatloads of fun. (Love the cake!)
Wish I could have been there.
I wish I could have been there! Well, I was there in heart - just not in person.
I'm sorry your book isn't in stores yet. I was at Deseret Book this week. However, I'm glad your Book Launch went well and you had such a good time.
That cake is the coolest. I wish I could have come, but alas, it was not to be. Looks like you had a great turnout anyway though. I tried to get your book at Deseret Book on Friday and they didn't have it yet. But I will persevere! :)
I'm so sorry I was unable to make it. I'll catch you next time and have you autograph my copy!
The pictures are great and what a wonderful critique group!
It was a fun signing. I'll have to post a link on my blog to my sister's blog for people who want to have cakes done of their books!
Your launch party looks like it was a lot of fun. I too wish I could have been there, but that was a rather hectic day for me. By the way, am I going to get a review copy for Meridian? I'd love to post a guest blog from you on my personal blog too.
Your copy should be on its way soon - CFI is mailing it to you directly. And I would love to do a guest blog - just let me know when.
I'm so thrilled for you! Congrats! I wanted to tell you about an awesome contest I entered at
The Original Scrapbox Check it out and please vote for me, #319 for the cutest craft giveaway. Thanks a bunch!
Way lots of fun! I'm so glad you got to have the party before Providence was gone for good. And I'm so glad I could be there. I'm excited for you.
The question is, who will bring the cake when Heather launches her book? We may have to take a lesson or something...
I thought about you, and I'm glad you had a blast. Congratulations!
Wish I could have come to meet you. My car still does not work. Next time!!!
Looking forward to reading your book.
How come I can only see some of the pictures and not the others? Is my computer doing something funky? I waited a long time and they didn't come up.
I posted a review about the Scrapbox on my blog, if you’d like to see a pic, come visit!
I don't know why they aren't showing up, Rachelle - sometimes my computer is twerky, too.
I'm still sad I couldn't make it but I'm so excited for you and proud of you!!! It looks like the day was awesome!
I can't wait to read it!
Could you do me a favor and pop into my blog? I'm doing a book give away of Karen Eddington's book Today, I live. I'd appreciate it.
Again, congrats on the book launch!
Yay, it was a fun party and I am loving the book. I would be finished but these kids think I should stop reading and feed them once in a while. :) I'll review it when I am done.
Sandra, it was way fun to see you, and you're one of the people I wanted my picture with and didn't get to it! Rats! I would love a review, by the way. Thank you!
It looks like a great event! I'm so sad I missed it. And that cake is THE BOMB. I now have a new goal: a cake with my next book cover.
*writing it down to post next to my computer for motivation*
That cake was seriously cool!
Looks like we saved the best for last at Provident Book. Your book launch was the best attended we've ever had! You broke sales records for us. Thanks. :)
It was lots of fun. I can't think of a better way to close the store than with a party, right?
It was so nice to meet you, Tristi! What a great launch party!
I finished the book last night--I'll have the review on my writing blog Wednesday.
Thanks, Jordan! I'll look forward to it.
Congratulations on your new release! I really like the cover.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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