If you've been anywhere I've been on the Internet this week, you might have noticed a whole lot of talkin' going on (by me) about the release of my new novel, "Agent in Old Lace." I'm spreading the word far and wide about the launch party which is coming up this Saturday, May 16th, at Provident Book in Pleasant Grove. The address is 661 W. State Street, and don't let the construction throw you off - there is a handy dandy business access through the orange drums and you can pull right into the parking lot. You can come any time between 3 and 5 pm.

There will be some awesome door prizes, refreshments, fun, laughter, and a free sample of the perfume designed to go with "Agent in Old Lace" with purchase of the book.
I hope you're able to make it, and bring a friend!
(or two, or three ...) If you're not able to come, and would still like to purchase a copy of the book,
you can do so here.
Very cool, Tristi. I won't be able to make it but I will send good launching vibes your way! Have fun!
Have a wonderful time! I totally wish I could be there!!!
I'll do my best to be there with bells on!
Okay...first about your launch party. Can't wait for Saturday. I'm so excited for you! And I'm glad you moved the party from when I'm out of town so I can come cheer for you and your book.
Now, I'm wondering about LexiconLuvr's bells... Are we talking like, Santa Claus bells or reindeer bells or cowbells? Just curious. =) (Just kidding Laura, you gave me a good chuckle.)
Since I first heard about it I was planning on going but the date hit when I'm having a scrapbooking club gathering at my house.
I'm really excited for you and I already pre-ordered a copy on amazon! Best of luck this Sat!
wow--sorry i've missed so much! i've been away from the blog-world for obviously far too long. Congratulations! I'm so sorry that i missed your launching in person :( i would have loved to be there. I promise to check your blog far more often from now!
Well, yeah, Rukia!! Even if you're totally off the Internet, checking my blog is a total must. :)
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