Thursday, June 12, 2008

Contest Reminder

I have posted other things since my contest announcement, but want to keep it foremost in your minds. Scroll down to read the rules.


Janice said...

I have just finished two of your books--Strength to Endure and Nothing to Regret. I would read your other but my library doesn't carry it.

Anyway, I want to tell you how much I enjoyed both books! Once I started them, I could not put them down.

As far as another location for your books, if you are looking for LDS themed location, you might consider The Big Horn Basin in Wyoming. Lorenzo Snow sent a bunch of LDS men and families to settle that area and there are a ton of great stories and strong LDS people who came from that area. A good book to read to start from is "From ---- and Plow. I can't remember the one word.

Tristi Pinkston said...

Thanks, Janice! Not only for the entry, but for the compliments!

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