It's the last of May and my month-long blog tour has come to a close. I want to thank all of the blog hosts who have graciously donated their time and blog space to help me spread the word about my new book, and to thank all of you who read the various reviews and commented. A special thanks goes to Dorothy and Jaime of Pump Up Your Book Promotion, who handled the national arm of this tour. This has really been a fun experience for me and I hate to see it come to an end.
For those of you who might have missed the reviews, here they are:
My Paige
Lynne's Little Corner of the World
Six LDS Writers and a Frog
Janet Kay Jensen
Girl in a Whirl
Musings from Paradise
Queen of the Clan
Queen of the Clan (part two)
Lords of the Manor
Long Way Home
Writers Who Blog
Dream a Little Dream with Me
Framed and Booked
The Plot Line
Michy's Book Reviews
The Lyon's Tale
Scattered Jules
Fifteen Minutes of Delusion
What is a Sundial in the Shade?
Elysabeth's Emerald City
Elysabeth's Emerald City (part two)
Scribbled Scraps
Fiction Scribe
LDS Writers Blogck (Keith)
A Writer's Ramblings
Write Bravely
The Book Stacks
LDS Writers Blogck (Nichole)
Not Entirely British
The Book Tiger
In the Pages
The Wandering Author
Heather Justesen
Paperback Writer
Reading Outside the Box
Historical Novel Reviews
Two Kids and Tired
Jaime Reynolds, for AML
The Book Connection
LDS Readers
Writer in the Pines
It was so fun being one of your stops. Congratulations on the completion of a successful tour.
Whew, that's quite the tour!
I hope your book is a huge hit Tristi!
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