Saturday, December 08, 2007

T'is the Night After Party

T'is the night after party,
And I sit here dazed
At how eating some cake
Makes my child go crazed --
And now that he's sleeping
With drool on his chin,
I can sit back and marvel
At the mess I am in.

When down the short hall
Did arise such a yelling --
My daughter, my oldest
Is tattle-tell-telling.
Down the beige carpet I flew like a flash,
Spoke to them firmly and my teeth did gnash!

I could go on, but you get the picture. It was an interesting day. My second child and my first son had his birthday party today -- he's turning nine tomorrow. And oh, my, but what sugar will do to a child. I think birthday parties are evil. I think they were designed by people who have stock in the sugar industry. Picture this:

You're supposed to have cake and ice cream.
You're supposed to send the children home with sugary goodie bags.
You're supposed to eat large quantities of pizza, or popcorn, or some other party-theme related treat.
And then you have the leftovers in your house for days afterward.

Well, my kids are allergic to ice cream, so we just serve cake. But we do the other stuff. Yeah, I know -- I can hear you now, and I realize how dumb I am. Just bear with me, would ya? How many times does your oldest son turn nine?

So we have a child who has just had birthday cake and we give him Bionicles, which are his favorite toy in the world, and you give him a couple of other things you know he wants, and he's all excited over that, and then you put in the Bionicle movie for the guests to watch, because that's what he wanted, and he gets all hyped up over that, and you end up with a boy who refuses to go to bed and has to be manhandled (or womanhandled, since it was me who did it) to his room.


Good news is -- that's the last kid birthday in the Pinkston family for this year. We don't have another kid birthday until June.

I love June.


Anna said...

I hear ya. We went to a birthday party today for a friends little boy. Our kids had cake and ice cream and some candy on the way home. It was too close to dinner and they didn't weren't hungry anymore.

I'm thinking for my daughters 2nd birthday we may just go somewhere fun and invite our friends to come and bring their kids to wherever we go. Maybe a children's museum or some fun place that they can run around.

The best part - no cake, no ice cream, no having to get the house all perfectly clean and tidy. And my favorite lately: no presents. Sure, her dad and I will give her presents, but I have such giving family that my kids have more than enough toys. So I'd rather she not get presents for the sake of getting present and have all the kids be able to enjoy some fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad I don't have little kids in the house any more!

Now I get to deal with a 17 year old girl and her hormone-induced mood swings!

Anonymous said...

I was kinda hoping the Dr Suess thing would keep going.... I rather enjoyed that.

Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen said...

Oh what a relief it is! Only I think the "plop-plop" in this case is Mom plopping on the couch because that's the only way she can sit after all that, and the "fizz-fizz" is how her brain feels as she dwindles into melt down. But when all's said and done, it is worth it, I hope, because our kids will remember they had a mom who was willing to give them a party. And they will be glad for that.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

You survived! That's what counts! And, like you said, no more parties for the rest of the year. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Marcia Mickelson said...

Birthday parties are exhausting!

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...


We've been pretty lucky with Birthday parties, but Taryns this year was similar to the one you describe.

Framed said...

I miss my grown-up kids so much, but I sure don't miss birthday parties. Can't wait for my grandson's though.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I'm pretty sure that is why my sister only does inportant ones like 8 and 16! good luck!. We don't do many friend parties either, too much work and too many kids!

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