Yesterday I had three opportunities to make a piggy pie out of myself. I have a bag of peanut M&Ms stashed away, we had a nice big Costco cake last night at Scouts, and on the way home, my son got a Frosty with his kid's meal. He's allergic to ice cream and I nearly ate it for him, but I forebore. I'm trying to cut back on goodies -- not that I'm anywhere near up to
Linda's bravery, but I'm making some strides along those lines. I felt really good about my choices (I mean, really -- I turned down a generous helping of Costco cake! That's a lot to be proud of!)

And yet this morning, when I woke up, I found that my entire sinus system had done the dance of the woojie wongie on me and I have a bad headache, a fever, and my nose is somewhat reminiscent of Niagara Falls.

Now, tell me -- isn't this so unfair? I can see waking up sick if I'd eaten the cake. I can see having the sniffles if I'd had the ice cream. Here I was a good girl, and I'm struck down in the bloom of my youth!

I'm told this is going around and that I'm not the only sufferer. You'll have to forgive me if that gives me cause to laugh a very evil laugh -- if I have to go through this, I won't go down alone! So I'm slurping down my orange juice and keeping my tissue handy. And may I just say, if the scale does not soon reward me for my goodness, I'm going to wonder what was the point -- maybe I should have just eaten the cake!
I had a similar virus hit me in the middle of Education Week last week! I feel for you, Tristi.
Still sniffling, Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
You still have it? Rats, that does not bode well for me!
Want some of my orange juice? :)
I had that for 3 weeks, minus the fever. I finally went to the doctor convinced that I had a sinus infection, but since I had no fever she prescribed OTC saline nasal washes, prescription Rhinocort nasal spray (steriod), Claritin D,...and if I wasn't feeling better in 3 days I was to fill a script for antibiotics. I didn't need the antibiotics or the Claritin...and it took the full 3 days to feel better.
Try alternating hot & cold on your face to relieve the sinus pain.
Sorry you are sick...I wouldn't wish that on anyone!
Maybe you'll zap through this in half the usual time 'cause of those aforementioned healthy choices?
Oh no! Poor you.
My fave antidote: Chamomile tea with honey. Mmmmmmm, warm, can it possibly get better? =)
Hope you do soon. Get better, that is.
Kimberly, are you trying to find the bright side to all this? Where's my sympathy? :) You're right -- I probably will get better faster.
I'll try that hold and cold thing, Jen -- sounds like it would feel good.
And why am I blogging when I'm on my death bed, anyway? I must be addicted.
Hmmm, do you think you got all germy before or after Candace's UB party last week?
j/k. I don't believe in the germ theory of disease, so you're still welcome to come over Saturday if you're not busy. If you do, bring your shower gels and we'll pump them up.
I lost weight just reading about your deprivations so it should just roll off you, especially if you let your sickness keep you from eating. I've always considered a good illness a great way to lose weight. Of course, after recovery . . . .
Oh Tristi,
I hope you're feeling better soon. This has hit just about everyone I know. My evolved into a lovely bout of severe bronchitis which dropped me into bed for 7 days. So be careful and take care of yourself.
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