Monday, August 20, 2007

Now, For Your Regularly Scheduled Blog . . . On Desire

We've all heard the story of the woman whose child was stuck under a car and how she found the strength to raise the car off the child. What gave her that strength?

Her desire.

We've heard the stories of the pioneers who pushed their handcarts through the mud and muck, fixed broken axles, walked through the snow with bare feet. What kept them going?

Their desire.

Each of us have a strong desire in our lives. We may not be faced with having to save the lives of our children or having to walk across the country to seek religious freedom, but there is something you want, deep down, so badly that you'd be willing to do whatever it took to get it. You have a dream that's more than a dream -- you want it so badly you can taste it.

But what if you're not strong enough, brave enough, outgoing enough, popular enough to attain that dream?


If you want it, you have what it takes to get it. Backbones feed on desire. Think you're not courageous enough? Think of how badly you want that thing. That desire will make you strong. Desire, coupled with faith, is unstoppable.

If you let your fears keep you from going after the things you want most, you just don't want them badly enough.

Do you realize that most of the things we fear are things we've invented ourselves? We worry that people are looking at us. They're not. We worry that they're judging us. They're not. We worry that they have some sort of power over our lives, and that we have to please them or we'll never be successful. They don't, and we don't.

All those people are sitting over there, worried about what others are thinking about them. They aren't thinking about you at all, except for to worry that you're thinking about them.

Stop thinking about everyone else. Think about you. What do you want? What are your dreams? When you get to the end of your life and you're looking back on all you accomplished and didn't accomplish, what are the regrets you're going to have?

Now live so that you don't carry those regrets.

And stop obsessing over what other people think.


Karen E. Hoover said...

What an awesome and timely blog! Thank you, Tristi. I've just officially put you on my wall of inspiration - I took two quotes from your blog and taped them to my armoir to help keep me going when my desire is lacking. You must have been sucking in the inspiration when you wrote this one. Can I have some of whatever you're drinking???

Tristi Pinkston said...

Wow, thanks, Karen! I'm actually drinking water, so sure, help yourself!!

I'm curious -- what quotes did you use? (I always like it when people point out my brilliance)

Karen E. Hoover said...

You must be drinking "special" water. Mine doesn't do much to inspire me, no matter how much of it I drink. Here are the two quotes I used:

“Stop thinking about everyone else. Think about you. What do you want? What are your dreams? When you get to the end of your life and you're looking back on all you accomplished and didn't accomplish, what are the regrets you're going to have?

Now live so that you don't carry those regrets.”


“Each of us have a strong desire in our lives. We may not be faced with having to save the lives of our children or having to walk across the country to seek religious freedom, but there is something you want, deep down, so badly that you'd be willing to do whatever it took to get it. You have a dream that's more than a dream -- you want it so badly you can taste it.

But what if you're not strong enough, brave enough, outgoing enough, popular enough to attain that dream?


If you want it, you have what it takes to get it. Backbones feed on desire. Think you're not courageous enough? Think of how badly you want that thing. That desire will make you strong. Desire, coupled with faith, is unstoppable.”

Anonymous said...

I liked this post. Gave me a lot to think about. There are things I want but haven't worked hard enough to achieve them. Things will change!

Tristi Pinkston said...

Ah, shucks, Karen!! You've made my whole entire year.

Karen E. Hoover said...

Good! Then my work is done. :D

Karlene said...

So, this is really timely for me. Being in a state of transition, I've been trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up. On Saturday, I made a list of my options, with the pros and cons, income potential, level of personal fulfillment, etc.

I had just about decided to go with one of the options that had immediate income attached (income I am in sore need of at the moment), and to give up on my dreams, once again.

But after church on Sunday, I was looking at that list, and I just couldn't. I just couldn't let go of those dreams. So I prayed and asked if I could get some confirmation one way or the other in ways that I couldn't rationalize away. Your post is one of several confirmations I've had today.


Rebecca Talley said...

Great post.

You're right--nothing is impossible if we have the desire to do it.


Unknown said...

Another great blog. Thanks, Tristi. What an inspiration you are. I need to print this and stick it to my wall.

By the way, I've found an amazing tool called Google Reader. Have you disovered it yet? You can explain things so much better than I can.

kris said...

Tristi, I enjoyed this post. And I totally agree. A good friend once asked me how my life might be different if fear weren't a factor. It's liberating to think of what you want and need and love rather than what you're afraid of. And I also agree that what people say and do is all about them, so no purpose served by trying to do what they want. You have to do what's right for you. (How does the song go - can't please everyone, so you have to please yourself? Works for me!)

Thanks for your kind words about my photos. I have done note cards - it's a fun way to share my gardens with others. I haven't done a calendar, but that would be fun. I'll have to check it out.

Tristi Pinkston said...


I'm glad I could be of some help --I can't help but feel that you'd be fabulously successful at whatever you did, but it's got to be something you'll love or it won't be fulfilling to you. Go for it!


You should most definitely think about calendars. I can't believe some of the substandard stuff they're putting out on calendars anymore -- and we have to look at it at least once a day. :)

Anna Maria Junus said...

I'm trying I'm trying.

Now if all those editors and publishers out there would just realize how brilliant I am.

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